September 2022.

Local poultry farmer, Jim Brown, who is well-known in his small rural community as an asset, has received further support for his business, in the form of agri-infrastructure. Furthermore, he has received specialised training for poultry farming as well as business finance skills training as part of a mentoring programme.

Konkoonsies Solar Power began supporting Jim Brown Poultry, based in Pofadder, during 2021, as part of its Enterprise Development Programme, with the goal of creating more employment and generating a greater income within the operation.

This year, along with the new housing for his chickens, Konkoonsies Solar Power has also provided the enterprise with new chickens to boost production, since there is a high demand for eggs in the area. Brown’s farm is the only supplier of fresh eggs to this community, which is located a far distance from more-established neighbouring towns.

According to Jim Brown, sole owner of Jim Brown Poultry, his vision and mission are to see his business flourish by attracting more customers and investors. “I am so grateful to be able to help my community. Thanks to the help from Konkoonsies Solar Power I have also been able to plant and harvest some vegetables for the community as well, along with my focus, which is the eggs. As the business grows, I’d love to create one or two more jobs, perhaps for someone who lives with a disability daily, like myself, and one youth, so that they can then provide for their own families and direct community,” he said.

This farmer is recognised and admired for his tenacity and determination, as a physical disability contracted from a childhood illness, has not deterred him and he remains eager to take on new challenges, both for his benefit and that of his community.

“Our aim is to develop local enterprises to maintain and sustain their businesses. Mr Brown has just attended training on how to identify different illnesses in poultry layers, how to handle his finances and how to manage the business. Mentoring and further support for the business with more advice and skills training will also be provided,” concluded Harrisinah Theka, Economic Development Specialist for Konkoonsies Solar Power.

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